Boston Tree Preservation


Spring Organic Liquid Dethatch

Spring Organic Liquid Dethatch


Think twice before you mechanically dethatch your grass this Spring - you could be doing more harm than good. If your thatch layer is less than 1” deep, you could be damaging your grass through mechanical dethatching as your lawn comes out of dormancy. You may create bare spaces that will be filled by unwanted weeds that will remain all season long, and you’ll be wasting a valuable source of nutrition for your soil.

Instead, have us apply a layer of Organic Liquid Dethatch which will accelerate the natural breakdown of any excess thatch. A little thatch is actually good and helps protect soil against extreme temperatures, and to retain moisture. Too much thatch is bad, and if you have large bare spots, or yellowing grass you should consider mechanical dethatching to avoid fungal diseases from poor drainage.

Using a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, the main ingredients of the formula are liquid biological amendments from our worm castings, yeast, macro and micronutrients. The program is designed to save you time and money, protect tree & turf roots, generate food for your soil, and maintain a small healthy layer of thatch.

Applications are performed in May to the footprint of your grassed areas (up to 15,000 s.f. of lot size)

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