Boston Tree Preservation


Leaf Me Alone

Leaf Me Alone


Whether you are doing fall or spring yard care by yourself or utilizing professional lawn care services, think twice before you rake up all your leaves – leaves are Nature’s food source. As they biodegrade, leaves become soil food. With our liquid biodegradation formula, you can speed up nature’s process and turn those leaves (and thatch) into soil food quicker, while improving soil health and the root health of trees, shrubs and turf.

Using a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, the main ingredients of the formula are liquid biological amendments from our worm castings, yeast, macro and micronutrients. The program, which is for spring lawn care and fall lawn care, is designed to save money, protect plant roots in winter, and jump start your property in the spring.

Applications are performed early April and/or late November to the footprint of your yard and bed areas. (Up to 15,000 square feet)

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Liquid Organic Fertilization


Tree and Landscape Diagnosis and Consultation

from $0.00

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Spray

from $81.00
Spring Organic Liquid Dethatch

Spring Organic Liquid Dethatch


