Urban Forests - Organic Solutions | Boston Tree Preservation

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Boston Tree Preservation

Boston Tree Preservation

Plant Health Care for Urban Forests


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Protect and Preserve your Landscape with our Full Spectrum of Organic and Sustainable Plant Care Services

Three large beech trees standing together in the foreground inside of a forest.

Our Year-Round Organic Approach

Boston Tree Preservation is committed to providing an organic approach to caring for the entire landscape – trees, shrubs, lawn, and soil – in order to preserve and protect the urban forest for present and future generations.

We offer organic solutions year-round, including seasonal plant health care services that help you to save the trees and protect your piece of the planet. Take a look below at our specific plant care treatment solutions for the spring, summer, fall, and winter seasons, respectively.

All online orders will automatically be charged the online price, which reflects a 10% discount from our regular pricing!

Tending to our worm farm which makes compost tea fertilizer.

Tending to our worm farm which makes compost tea fertilizer.


Year Round Organic Plant Health Care



Spring Plant Health Care programs protect emerging growth from insect pests and disease by using liquid fertilizer and other organic solutions. Our safer and organic practices set the foundation for a healthy growing season. Click to see Spring treatments.


Summer Plant Health Care programs curtail insect and disease problems, also using liquid fertilizer. Summer is also the time for foundational soil and plant fertilizer programs and water conservation programs. Click to see Summer treatments.



Fall Plant Health Care programs help plants get ready for winter stress with organic solutions, so that they can emerge with optimal health when spring arrives. Fall is the best time of year to assess and promote plant and soil health. Click to see Fall treatments.



Our Winter Plant Health Care program helps to save the trees and protects your plants from winterkill symptoms. Winter is a good time to review your property and update your landscape needs. Click to see Winter treatments.

Current Plant Care Treatments


Calibrate is a combination of calcium and boron and quickly adjusts your soil pH for a 90-day period. In contrast, typical limestone applications take a year to break down and become effective. The calcium builds healthy cell walls and tissue and the boron allows for better uptake of the calcium. Calibrate also enables diverse nutrient availability to your trees, shrubs, and turf.

Calibrate is nutritive for your plants and turf and will prepare them for summer and winter stress periods like drought. Don’t forget - healthy plants ward off insect pests and tolerate environmental extremes. Most importantly, healthy soil sequesters carbon.

For properties up to 1/3 acre of recreation area and wooded perimeter.

Call for pricing on larger properties.

Foliar 1 - Winter Moth Control

We use OMRI-certified Entrust, derived from the fermentation of naturally occurring beneficial soil bacteria (actinomycetes). It uniquely combines efficacy with the benefits of biological insect pest control products and has no mammalian toxicity. For certain situations, other products and organic solutions are available. Applications usually done in April/May.

For properties up to 1/3 acre of recreation area and wooded perimeter; includes shade trees and ornamentals.

Call for pricing on larger properties.

Tree and Landscape Diagnosis and Consultation

Talk or meet with us for advice on your property, tree, turf or soil needs. Find out which specific programs are right for your landscape!

Free phone or email consultations require the submission of a photo of tree/property in question.


Do You have Question about Your Landscape?

We're here to help. Boston Tree Preservation offers FREE plant based telehealth and landscape consultations over the phone, or in person for a small fee. Use the form below to contact us regarding your questions. You may also email or call us at (781)729-0095 to make an appointment.

Trees are essential to life and play an immense role in a healthy environment.

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